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Practicable search for files/inside files under Ubuntu

Finally i found a nice tool to search for files under linux!
under windows i am using Agent Ransack, a very comfy and efficient tool for that purpose. I dont want to use grep under linux for my searches then i always would have to concentrate on the syntax, so i was looking for a nice tool that is a sort of to Agent Ransack under Linux, so i'll have a tool that does the job similar to my favorite search tool. ( i also dont want any desktop search app with all the overhead they seem bring)

the next best thing i found was regexxer that can be installed by "sudo apt-get install regexxer".

unfortunately you will not be able to use wildcards with regexxer but use regular expressions, which are a bit... more complex. but still it is the best alternative i found and, compared to some other linux apps, quite self explanatory.

