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My first working weekend

It was time.... after working for nearly four years now I had my first weekend that I needed to work.
The first 48 hours I had a total of 7.5 hours of sleep
And now its sunday, i'm done and am now waiting in a cafe to go back home. but i have some more hours until my taxi goes to the airport.

man i'm tired. plus the benefit was biased: it was not really the most successful weekend.

it was cool that i got some experience out in the field, but this working hours... no thats nothing for me.

btw i am currently playing around with mono quite a bit.
plus i am playing around with SDL.NET, which i think is a quite cool and simple framework.
though nothing compared with microsofts framework you have real cross plat´form compatibility.

when working with it i found also a nice-nice c# and game that you should try out:

go check it out. it also should work under linux thru mono, but when i tried it it crashed.
well, i sent the developers a crashreport and a coredump.
they didnt send a reply though.

dyson is a RTS game. can somebody explain to me why there are no reasonably high-level written
open-source RTS games out there??? the only one matching that criteria out there being either developed in c++ or C# out there is Glest. which i dislike....
i'd kill for getting my hands on some c# RTS sourcecode to play round with. if anybody knows one, please tell me.

though i dont think anybody will read this specific post

best bytes
