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A Corner of Mantica - Small Kings of War campaign including Kings of War Vanguard

Okay, long time no post. Time to remedy that. I just finished version 1.0 of something I have been working on for quite a while.

I am an RPG and tabletop fan. Formerly I played Warhammer 40k, then after Games Workshop killed Warhammer Fantasy, I got some fantasy armies and started playing that a bit. Then I discovered Kings of War by Mantic and since then I am in love with that company and their products.
By now I earn all the KoW books, I have the Warpath&Firefight books, I have their Zombies game and I have quite sooome models including an only-partly-assembled Forces of Nature starter force.
But my actual love is for their Kings of War franchise.
I love the way they designed their game so that its OK that you can use your Games Workshop models for Kings of War!

Last year they started a Kickstarter Campaign for their Kings of War Vanguard rules. Those are the skirmish rules. Much like what Kill Team is for 40k.

When they made the kickstarter I just NEEDED to put down a Giant Pledge! I tried their free alpha rules, and I loved them. And I just so much looked forward to the campaign rules they promised!

This year it was shipped. Since I got my Vanguard Kickstarter (i think i actually even started a bit earlier) I worked on a small Kings of War campaign that has the vanguard system integrated. actually i played around with the idea to create a tabletop campaign for quite some time. When the Edge of the Abyss campaign book came out, and I read about it I was just amazed. For one, I wanted to particpate. and for the other part, I wondered how hard it was to write such a book.
so now was the time for me to do one for myself.
i created a campaign tree, chose scenarios, wrote the fluff, put in the ilustrations in, created the map... I was curious to see how much work it would be to create such a thing. And I am surprised to see how much time sinks into it.

it totals 31 pages. i've not played it yet, but am looking forward to doing it.
When you play through it you get 6 Vanguard games and 3 KoW games out of it and how you perform effects the outcome.

you can take a look at it / download it here.
or download it as a PDF here.

i realized that i am a bit rusted in writing non-technical english text, therefore i am happy for any corrections / suggestions esp. by native speakers.
I think I especially had my trouble with what to write with capital letters. "Elven settlement" or "elven settlement"...

too bad I wasn't able to put it up on the mantic forum before they closed it, but i lamented that there already anyway.

Next thing I look forward to from them is their Mantica RPG. When I first read the KoW book, I immediately thought "WOW, this would make a great RPG setting!". Back at that point I was GM-ing a Savage Worlds Hellfrost Campaign. It never got finished and currently I do not do RPGs, but my original intent was to place the next campaign in the world of Mantica by using Savage Worlds system and use some Hellfrost rules and other material for being able to include the Tabletop game aspect into the RPG as well. I thought Savage Worlds would be great for that. Well, altogether I am also a big fan of Savage Worlds and because a friend of mine who is in my RPG group also plays tabletop with me occasionally I thought that would work out nicely for me.

Now with a Mantica RPG coming, I so hope it will be Savage Worlds. Especially after seeing the Vanguard Rules, I think both systems have quite some philosophies in common. One, this "rules lite" approach, and then of course the exploding dice... but I digress. This post should actually be about the campaign ;)
