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My dwarven census

I own way too many tabletop miniatures and too many armies. It goes to the point that I once even bought something because I thought I need it, but I actually then found out I already owned the models albeit in an unassembled state. 

So I finally decided to count up the first of my armies and decided I will start with the dwarves. 

Well what to say... depending on how you count it, they totalled on 220 dwarfs plus 3 earth elementals that are "usually" used with my Forces of Nature. For artillery there are 2 ballistas +2 organ guns +3 cannons. I could swear I have a 4th cannon... maybe it is with my Kingdoms of Men. Of those 230 dwarfs, around 77 of them are unpainted or primed. Not to forget my two Gyrocopters unassembled... A few -around 6- of the dwarfs are self-made recasts (like one of the Gyrocopters) in miliput, the rest are 98% old GW models. I actually own a few more Lord of the Rings dwarfs, but those are "separate". I do not want to add them here as I feel their non-heroic scale does not align well with the rest of the models.

I thought I might as well post some pictures here. 

A panorama picture of the army

And here a picture a bit from the top.

They consist of the following groups:

Great-Axe models (top left first picture):

22 models in total:

21 unpainted/primed models and 1 painted one. They include standard bearer, musican and champion. 

Hammerer models 

14 models in total.

Group A (bottom left first picture):

7 models + 1 standard bearer

Beautifully painted gold-purple hammerers 

Hammerer models Group B (middle, second picture)

6 models. In a nice red painting scheme including a champion

Muscet models 

Totalling 33 models, but I have a few additional ones with pistol.

Group A (bottom middle first picture)

14 models

In the same color scheme as the Group A hammerers, also painted with very much attention to detail. 

Muscet models Group B (bottom middle, third picture) 

11 models

painted in an orange scheme including champion and standard bearer

Muscet models Group C (top left, 4th picture)

there are another 8 primed/unpainted muscet models present 

Crossbow models  (bottom, 5th picture)

24 models
Mostly in an orange-red scheme, most of them painted pretty decent. 
There are enough of them to form multiple units. At least one musican and champion is painted.

Artillery models

For the artillery I counted 8 unpainted and 10 painted dwarfs to man the guns!

Berserker models

Around 18 models, but some of them are miliput recasts I did with blue stuff. So painting and details are... varied. 

Line Infantry models

Line infantry models are "standard" dwarf models using an axe and a shield. 

Total model count here is 46.

Line Infantry Group A - purple/gold (middle left, 1st picture)

12 models in total including champion and musician. I love that painting on those models, unfortunately they were not done by me. Only a few of the muscet models I tried in that painting scheme.

Line Infantry Group B - "fire" (5th picture on the right)

Those 17 models include champion, standard bearer and musician. They have a very nice "fiery" painting scheme. 

Line Infantry Group C + Reserves

Another 11+1+5 models can be seen on the 2nd picture. One of those, the blue one with the skulls on the ground is actually from my undead army: They have dwarfen skeletons and zombies and I have a beatiful kitbashed dwarfen regiment that this model belongs to. I got those models by an ex GW employee and it shows in the detail on the kitbash and the painting... but one single dwarf had not been painted nor kitbashed: This one single model I then painted and usually use it togheter with the dwarfs OR with the undead. Another 5 primed/unpainted sword and shield dwarfs are also still lying around, so in total "Group C" is 17 models strong!

Other units

I have 

  • 2 unassembled Gyrocopters, 
  • one unassembled King on a Throne carried by his 4 bodyguards (see fourth picture) - partly painted - which I put together with patafix when needed, 
  • 13 dwarves holding pickaxes inclusing champion, musician and standard bearer (4th picture)
  • 3 Earth elementals which I recast with bluestuff and miliput from an original descent model I think (you can see one on the 6th picture)
  • additional 4 unpainted/primed musicians
  • additional 3 unpainted/primed standard bearers
  • 4 dwarven "wizards" or runesmiths
  • 8 characters and 8 heroes.... lets call them like that. Some painted quite beautifully some unpainted/primed. The painted one you can see on picture 7, the unpainted ones on the 4th picture. I used them pretty often when I still played RPGs regularily. And when I do play Kings of War Vanguard I usually also use many of those painted models and they also come in handy when playing Frostgrave!

1st picture 

2nd picture, hammerers Group B in the middle, the original unassembled Gyrocopter and most of the berserker dwarfs. On the top right you can see the Line Infantry Group C including their female champion on a round base.

3rd picture, muscet models Group B on the bottom and above those the berserkers

4th picture. Unpainted ones. The pickaxe models, Muscet Group C, the King on the throne and his carriers and a few champions. Much work still to do here!

5th picture; the crossbow models and some "Line Infantry" models.

6th picture. most of the artillery (one more organ gun to the left).

7th picture. The painted heroes and character models

As can be seen, my army is still very much more fit to play 9th Age or Warhammer 8th edition games than to play Kings of War. Actually I would need more models to play "better" in KoW with them. I would add more earth elementals and I also would need some Brock Riders. But if I get those models I would lose the greatest benefit of this army of mine... let me show in a picture what its greatest feature is:

All the models currently fit into those two boxes! I love that fact! My dwarves are so easy to store... no clumsy spearmen, no big cavalary... If I'd get the Mantic Brock Riders would definetely require me to rethink the storage solution... and because I usually do not play with my dwarves - I actually bought the first of them many years ago because one Hellfrost RPG campaign that I hosted would have had a BIIIG epic battle in the end that would have required many dwarfs.... if it had not been for that and the fact I got most of them really cheap, I would not have gotten into dwarfs in the first place. I still enjoy them once in a while and a few of the models see more regular action in Frostgrave or when I take them to play in other games like Dungeon Saga. 
