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Showing posts from 2009

Back in the world

Yesterday evening i came back from my holidays. The transit from Fiji home took about 48 hours, with too many hours waiting on the airports Auckland, L.A. and Heathrow.... so i was quite exhausted when we finally arrived. Now I am fighting with my jetlag and tomorrow... well tomorrow work starts again. Hope everything at work worked while i was gone :) my holiday were 3 weeks in New Zealand where me and my friends traveled the northern island and then 1 week in Fiji for relaxing. New Zealand is an awesome country i can highly recommend to pay a visit to. its the first country i've visited so far where i would want to live. i cant say the same about fiji.... but it was ok for a one week holiday there. maybe i'll write some more about my holidays at some later point. we will see.

The next best thing to Agent Racksack for Linux

like i already once posted, i would love to have agent ransack running natively under linux on my ubuntu. i then settled for regexxer, but down the line i didnt like it. i even eventually started to code one myself. but then i found two quite decent search tools. my favorite one is kfind. seems that program is the closest you can get to agent ransack. at least it fullfills nearly every of my wishes in a search tool, so thats how i search now. a more native-gnome approach would be the program gnome-find. though i think kfind is faster to use.

Qt Creator Tipps

I really dig Qt Creator (though my first euphoric stance has already relativated itself a little). but because the IDE still is somewhat of an underdog, help in the net is somewhat rare. therefore i decided to give a short summary about how one can setup some important settings for custom makefile projects . (they also might come in handy for all other people using the IDE). all my descriptions are based on my qt creator IDE version 1.2.1 used under ubuntu 9.04. i am pretty sure some posted points will save people out there some time. *) getting your source files into your project your project will contain a .files file. open it up and put inside all additional files you want to have. example : your project is located in /home/f/sources/testApp/ and you want to have a file included in /home/f/sources/CommonSourcecode/foo.cpp Then add ./CommonSourcecode/foo.cpp to .files and create a symbolic link in /home/f/sources/testApp/ pointing to /home/f/sources/CommonSourcecode/ done! *) setti...

Kudos to Qt Creator!

i recently came across a "new" IDE for C/C++ development. well, is "Qt Creator" really new? not exaclty, so lets call it the underdog of IDEs then. but because of my dissatisfaction with everything apart from visual studio i've so far used, i immediatly tried out the new 1.2.1 version of Qt Creator. and boy, i am amazed! this is really a great IDE for developing C++ applications. The name is a bit irritating because it implies its purpose is to create QT apps. well, maybe it is, but its also very good for "normal" apps. till now i have used eclipse. i hate it but i sticked to it because of its good parser and syntax highlighting. plus the debugger is capable of showing you the base classes members of your instances and resolves the type. this made it the best IDE i knew so far. but now i am more and more working with qt creator. so here a small comparison between qt creator and eclipse of the cons for me of both IDEs Qt Creator vs Eclipse CDT Qt Creat...

My first working weekend

It was time.... after working for nearly four years now I had my first weekend that I needed to work. The first 48 hours I had a total of 7.5 hours of sleep And now its sunday, i'm done and am now waiting in a cafe to go back home. but i have some more hours until my taxi goes to the airport. man i'm tired. plus the benefit was biased: it was not really the most successful weekend. it was cool that i got some experience out in the field, but this working hours... no thats nothing for me. btw i am currently playing around with mono quite a bit. plus i am playing around with SDL.NET, which i think is a quite cool and simple framework. though nothing compared with microsofts framework you have real cross plat´form compatibility. when working with it i found also a nice-nice c# and game that you should try out: dyson go check it out. it also should work under linux thru mono, but when i tried it it crashed. well, i sent the developers a crashreport and a coredump. they didn...

dual screen solution on ubuntu 9.04 jaunty with nvidia

after updating to the new version of jaunty of course the dual screen stuff did not work anymore. the xorg.conf couldnt be read anymore, and even couldnt be backed up.... anyways, after update was complete i needed to play around a bit. to get dual screens in jaunty running again with synergy i then found the folowing solution: i started System>Administration>"Hardware Drivers", activated the revommended NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version 180), rebootet and then started nvidia-xconfig. now i started System>Administration>Nvidia XServer Settings, enabled under "X Server Display configuration" the second screen again, changed the configuration to "TwinView" and everything was fine. Seems ATM i am not using Xitami extensions anymore. now only thing that needs to be done after update is is... i need to get my broken gcc running again.... after my update from hardy to jaunty (with middle-step updating to interprid) i was surprised to find ...

Getting Synergy (Windows Server) to work with a dual screen Ubuntu Synergy Client

Today I had a hard time after I tried to change my synergy solution. Before I had a WindowsXP-Ubuntu solution where 2 monitors where on the XP machine that acted as the synergy server and one monitor on the ubuntu machine. I now decided to move one of the monitors to ubuntu (for display-quality reasons). At first i had a hard time getting my Ubuntu Hardy Heron to work with 2 screens and I took some wrong turns but I finally found my solution: There are already many tutorials on the net, and luckily my Ubuntu machine has an nvidia card inside which made things easier: Here is what worked for me: I installed nvidia-settings application via classic sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings and then ran it with sudo. Here I activated my second screen which is running now. Hooray dual-screen usage! But unfortunately Synergy did not work properly anymore. Synergy switches screens between my first ubuntu screen and my XP screen, but it cant reach the SECOND ubuntu screen. when using the "--di...

SocketCC and Monodevelop

I had another request for the socketcc port recently. It is interesting how many people are interested in it. But definetely not surprising! :) I was quite right with my suspicion that there is a big need for having such a library. But this time is a bit special because the guy who requested it is looking for re-implementing the ipV6 functionality. One can find his post in one of the blog entries about socketcc. He seemed to be quite enthusiastic to work on this as soon as he has time. I already sent him the sources, now I am curious what will come out of this. I was surprised when i just found out what additional features we have already put inside socketcc that were not inside the original library. I even now found some forgotten code where I played with some "Ping" class which i wanted to add to the library. its even working in some way, but i stopped development when i didnt need the functionality anymore. I would very much like to see the library all (and the effort we p...

Color Haze in concert

On the 14th Color Haze played in the arena. They were supported by the band rotor. I was very much looking forward to this concert. I got tickets around christmas and counted the days till the 14th with anticipation.... I may have to add that I regard Color Haze as one of the 3 best active Stoner Rock groups.... if not the best. And they are a great live band! So my expectations were high. It was one of the best concerts I've been to for a long time. The new album of Color Haze shows that the band definetely progresses their music! One of their songs on their new album "All" has support by a hammond organy. It reminds me of some santana tracks that I know. All the songs on the album are good. But the ones they played live were even better there. Longer versions with such an energy.... just great. Rotor was the band playing before Color Haze. I heard some songs of them already of their ablums, but they kicked ass live. They have no crowd-participation, but they make a hel...

Monodevelop Beta 1 is out

Yes, finally it is there. If you read roadmap I think this month the final version was planned.... but I am happy that we at least have the Beta! Still I very much would like to test it out. Unfortunately there still aren't any .deb packages that I could get a grip on! This is something I dont understand: if I have a beta of a software, I would like many many many people to test it so I will get may bugreports so I can then bugfix more efficiently. For this they should provide debian packages and packages for red hat based systems! Ok, I do not know the internal structure of the monodevelop development team, maybe they just don't have those ressources to get this done. Well, I will patiently wait and search the net until some .deb files get available! I cannot wait to finally be able to write me some of the tools I so desperately want for linux!