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Showing posts with the label PC game

Imperator: Rome Review

Today to something completely different. About many hours in I think I can finally give a verdict about the new Paradox title Imperator: Rome. Is the game cool? Well, sort of. Will I play it again? If I'd still be a gamer then the answer would be: maybe But I reeeeallly would have loved for this game to be great! As to my background. I played maany paradox games since HOI 1. I like the company despite their (former) partially horrible DLC policy. I dig their games. I think they enriched the gaming industry. But actually sort of I quit playing computer games a few years ago. Why did I make an exception for I.R.? And why make the exception now? Two main reasons. For one: I ALWAYS wanted to be able to play carthage. ALWAYS: When I was FOUR years old I got a Teddy Bear that I named Hannibal. Named him after the great carthagian general, nemesis of rome. Yup, I was four. Go figure. Granted, I was probably mostly impressed that he crossed the alps with elephants and ...