ever wondered how to execute a shell comand via commandline that will not quit itself? i did have to get that to work and it took me quite a while. here my knowledge as its nowhere on the net so far: i am talking about some command that will invoke something that will stay active as long you do not abort it (like with CTRL-C). Note: like a command that you, when in commandline type in, will not immediately return you to type something in but you have to abort it. in my case this was true to commandline commands for zeroconf (example for linuux is avahi ) if you want to run that on a button click, you of course cannot use system("yourCommand") because then your button event will never end. first idea would be now to create your own thread class via pthreads, and start the thread inside the button event, its execute routine calling this system("yourcommand"). unfortunately this will also cause wxWidgets to hang. wxWidgets itself has an own command called wxSystem fo...