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Showing posts with the label npm
Quickstart to start game development with Javascript  So you want to start making some games for the web and want to dive right into it? You have some understanding about programming and maybe even game development but this whole Web-Thing and setup for being able to use the new Javascript is just a hassle for you you dont want to dive right into? Then this blog post is for you. Setting up the toolchain for making easy javascript coding for the browser is a knowledge in itself... and it doesnt have much to do too much with programming. so enthusiasts might be put off. Unfortunately the current ecosystem makes it hard for newcomers to modern javascript. Following this link you will get a completely set-up toolchain to be able to create your own HTML5 games using Pixi and Howler . Its crude and the toolchain doesnt support tests but it will get the job done. You can even use it to make simple should make it possible for you to get the tutorials you find ...