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Showing posts with the label DSA

Savage Worlds rules

Finally after many years I made it enough of a priority to get around to some good old pen and paper roleplaying! problem was that i did not find enough people interested to do it with me... even though the problem that nobody wants to master is solved quite easily: i do it if nobody else wants to do it and i quite enjoy it too. well, finally i got enough people interested (or so i thought). back in the old days i played DSA => Das Schwarze Auge, or The Black Eye as it is called in english. there are some computer games currently quite known, the Drakensang series, which play in that world. DSA is nice, but I already mastered so many DSA games that i didnt want to do that any more... i wanted something new. being a hater of all D&D editions (ruleswise and settings wise) i needed to look elsewhere. i am quite interested in shadowrun but the complexity of the rules shocked me. when you are playing as the master, then it is crucial that you have a good grasp of the rules. ...