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Showing posts from 2010

Philosophischer Dialog

okay, this has to be in german, because the text messages with the following content were in german too and it wouldnt be funny in english anyway. SMS: eigentlich lustig, wenn du dir die einzelnen sprichwörter ansiehst: "die kirche im dorf lassen" "das ist mir ein spanisches dorf" was ist dann wenn man die kirche im spanischen dorf lässt? und wo die kirche ist, ist ja auch die inquisition nicht weit.... auch wenn man sie vielleicht nicht erwartet. und wenn man an inquisition denkt, denkt man schließlich sofort an die SPANISCHE inquisition! coincidence? you decide! was also dann wenn die spanische inquisition in einer kirche im dorf ist: sollte man sie dann eigentlich besser dort lassen? und was ist wenn einem das alles spanisch vorkommt? was eigentlich wenn die spanische inquisiton im dorf einen dorfbewohner verhört, weil dieser die kirche nicht im dorf lassen wollte und den inquisitoren beim verhör des dorfbewohners seine erklärungen alle spanisch vorkommen? und kö...

so finally....

i got back from my unannounced holidays. vietnam is quite a nice country, in my all-time-favorites holiday ranking i would put it behind china,new zealand,mongolia,and turkey. unfortunately i still have some things reminding me of vietnam that i would like to get rid of... there is always a risk traveling to those sub-tropic countries. they got quite some diseases there. and some of them quite nasty. i hope i got lucky but will only know for sure next week.... anyways... when i was away i missed the release of the new ubuntu. i didnt upgrade yet, but i have to say i am quite suprised how unexiting the featurelist is. i will see if and when i update. best bytes

Während des wahlkampfs...

...die mariahilferstrasse entlang gehen, warum habe ich mir das angetan? Es hat mir nur wieder gezeigt... Ich hasse diese verkommene marken konsum gesellschaft die sich aus dem an sich richtigen freien markt entwickelt hat.ich hasse die menschen die diese ermöglichen.aber genauso hasse ich diese selbstherrliche gegenkultur die sich dagegen entwickelt hat und diesen verneint.diese selbstherrlichen wohlfühlweckerl essenden fair trade bobos die genauso hinter ihren trends herlaufen wie die markenschweine.fair trade kaffee oder gabana shirt...ich weiß nicht was besser ist.zumindest ist der kaffee prozentuell nicht soviel unverschämt teurer bei vielleicht gleichem wohlfühlwert

best java exception ever

Okay granted, Java and .NET exceptions are very nice for debugging them normally. But this java exception I got recently is a bit out of the line....

Back from short trip to amsterdam

From my company I was sent to amsterdam for some days. as of today, I came back. conclusion: not every pre-rolled joint with hash is better than the ones you can produce yourself even if you are not that good and not that much in training in building one. But at least "rick's café", the coffeeshop in amsterdam i have been in had acceptable music all in all. and will be one of the coffee shops that won't be closed in the next few years by the government. come to think of it.... then i guess it would have been better to take one coffee shop that WILL be closed down. anyways.... thassit for bytes !

Finally my live is enlightened

That is...i finally bought myself an android is no more dark and grey with my shiny galaxy s.after half the developers in my company bought it ,i knew the chances were small it would be a now finally I am even online while I am at the hairdresser. I knew I had to buy one after I created my first android app though I didnt even have a phone to test it on except the ones of my collages. Ok,thats enough bragging for now. Bytes

experiencing a slow gdb in ubuntu 10.4 lucid lynx?

well... i was , too. and if you heavily require debugging tools this can really get on your nerves. after updating to lynx i immediatly noticed the slower debugger. but google popped up no results on how to solve this, or even if other people are noticing this.... so after playing around with it i finally solved the problem brute force: i downloaded latest gdb (7.1) from and compiled it myself. if you are a former windows user or unexperienced with that, dont let self-compiling scare you away: compiling it for yourself is simpler than you may think: download the .tar (with the browser of your choice), unzip it (easiest is with nautilus), go to commandline and type: ./configure after its done, do: make after THAT is done you will have a gdb executable in the "gdb" folder!

status report

nothing much to say actually. i am only making an entry because i am sittig alone in my hotel room up here near oslo. really nice architecture, but apart from that i havent seen much. unfortunately also not many legendary norwegian women :) only other things i could notice apart from that was that after 20 pm you dont get any alcohol in the super market. ah yes, and its very expensive. good thing is most of my food and drinks are provided by the parnters of my company. i am only glad i could arrive here by plane now that they stopped their stupid no-fly-in-europe policy. would have taken me ages and many changes of means of transport to get here via train. well thats it with this useless post best bytes

How to set up ASP.NET with Mono on your fresh Karmic Koala Ubuntu installation

Yup, I admit it. I am a die hard .NET fan.  And I am very exited about the mono project. And because I migrated from the MS world to the Linux world I know what people accustomed to .NET & Windows development world expect:  Step by step tutorials.  And here is now one I want to share with you.  Setting up a fresh Ubuntu so you are ready to go with your ASP.NET application. You will still need to understand ASP.NET, you will still need to take care about specific porting problems of your application, but this can be understood as a general Getting Started: I reproduced these steps on a clean Karmic Koala installation, so it might be different with other versions of Ubuntu. _________________________________________________ Step By Step Guide to setting up ASP.NET on your Ubuntu Karmic Koala with Apache Komplettes aufsetzen von Mono und ASP.NET auf Ubuntu (Karmic) Useful sites that you might need sooner or later: