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Showing posts from 2011

some digitalized old notes

to get something new onto the blog i today will post some notes i recently found. they are more than 5 years old and they are in german and i am not even sure which festival i wrote them on.... but they were some notes i took when i went to a festival. i abstracted the names of the notes _________ notizen über erstes (?) Novarock festval, österreich einfaches ankommen, kein stau, 15min schlange beim reinkommen... dafür viel wind und staub überall. mir ist kalt trotz jacke. ich verlasse SSSSSS und suche RRRRRR, dessen maehne ich schließlich im wind flattern sehe. eine gar fidele gruppe ist da versammelt, darunter auch michi und OOOO. instgesamt mit mir sind wir ca 8 personen. [unser platz ist direkt beim eingang bei der sicherheitskontrolle... leider ziemlich nahe den klos.... naja... die personen dort sind mir auch alles andere als wurscht. RRRRRR verteidigt sie noch stark, aber ... was ist zum verteidigen wenn leute auf fremde zelte pinkeln, die ganze zeit "kapseln" sich ei...

The new C++

Finally the new C++ standard is out. Now some features a programmer coming from Java or C# to C++ was badly missing are finally there. Some of the things I noticed that fall into that category are: * FINALLY C++ has a foreach (i'll get back to that on an example below) * no more posix- or quasi standard thread implementations needed: c++ now has its own threads! * FINALLY c++ also has "final" and "override" keywords * you can now use other constructors in a new ctor of the same class (less code redundancy) * Delegates (which is my & Microsofts name for function pointers/function objects) other significant changes include new semantics for non-copying (which can speed up program execution significantly) and "auto" variables, meaning that for ------------- int x = 22; auto a = x; ------------- "a" will get to be an integer. and then of course some things of the boost library now are part of the standard (like the shared_ptr). what hurts me ...

How I installed Skype on 64bit Fedora 64

yes... installing skype on fedora 64 bit is tricky.... there are some tutorials on the net, but i made it a bit different. i downloaded the fedora package, and then i needed to install the following packages as well: yum install glibc-2.13-1.i686 yum install glibc-2.13-1.i686 yum install alsa-lib-1.0.24-1.fc14.i686 yum install libXv-1.0.5-1.fc13.i686 yum install libXScrnSaver-1.2.0-1.fc12.i686 yum install 1:qt-4.7.2-8.fc14.i686 yum install qt-x11-4.7.2-8.fc14.i686 this then did the trick after that i could run skype on the fedora 14 machine.