Finally the new C++ standard is out. Now some features a programmer coming from Java or C# to C++ was badly missing are finally there. Some of the things I noticed that fall into that category are: * FINALLY C++ has a foreach (i'll get back to that on an example below) * no more posix- or quasi standard thread implementations needed: c++ now has its own threads! * FINALLY c++ also has "final" and "override" keywords * you can now use other constructors in a new ctor of the same class (less code redundancy) * Delegates (which is my & Microsofts name for function pointers/function objects) other significant changes include new semantics for non-copying (which can speed up program execution significantly) and "auto" variables, meaning that for ------------- int x = 22; auto a = x; ------------- "a" will get to be an integer. and then of course some things of the boost library now are part of the standard (like the shared_ptr). what hurts me ...