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Showing posts from 2019

Campaign Mass Battle 1: (First) Battle at the Beachhead

Finally... after 2 Vanguard skirmishes, we were ready for the big thing. We both hadn't played the normal KoW for quite some time, so we first did a test match which ended in a draw.  This weekend, we met to fight the real battle using the Vanilla 2nd Edition Rules! My list consisted of: 2x Horde of Sharpsticks (one with Blessing of the Gods 25 pts) 1x Horde of Spitters (with Heart Seeking Chant 30 pts) 1x Horde of Trolls (with Chant of Hate 25 pts) 1x Regiment Mawbeast pack 1x Regiment of Fleabag Rides (with Helm of Confidence 20 pts) [and they were definetely led by Biggit Crunchem !] 1x Sharpstick Thrower 1x King on Chariot with the item gaining: no minus modifier when moving costing 30 pts [ Warchief Dakkadak ] 1x Flaggit (with Diadem of Dragon Kind 30 pts) 1x Wiz with Inspiring Talisman and Bane Chant 1x Troll Bruiser with Darklords Onyx Ring ~20 Pts) [ I believe this is my Vanguard Troll, being an alone hero here! ] 2x Giants totalling 1870 pts. Base game w...

Vanguard Battle 2: Supply Grab

On thursday the second battle took place. I was the defender with only 175 pts and needed to decide on a smaller list. i also knew i was going up against Blaine and knew I could not out-kill my enemy. I knew I would have to out-last him and hold the objective. Finally I decided on: 4x Luggits on foot (or 3) 2x Luggits Mounted 1x Rabble 1x Wiz 1x Biggit (with Heavy Weapon) (Biggit Crunchem) 1x Troll (with Heavy Weapon) The elves, lead by Blaine came with: 2x Kindred Archers, 1x Kindred Tallspear 1x Citizen Levy 1x Battle Mage 1x Forest Shambler 1x Blaine We then decided we would go for the "Kings of War Hook" from the book instead of the hook provided in the campaign for the winner. We put up the terrain and I found out that I once again had forgotten something crucial... to put a hill into my backpack! The mission objective should be placed on a height 2 hill!  But we were able to improvise quite well as you will see on the pictures... ...

The first Battle! Vanguard Game 1: Supply Grab

Yesterday saw the first mission of our "A Corner of Mantica" campaign. And it was a glorious battle with a suprising outcome! Captain Erundas and his men faced the Vanguard of Biggit Crunchem for the first time, and it was a battle to be remembered! Let me repost the prequel to the first mission from the campaign which you can find here to get you up to speed: Vanguard Game 1: Supply Grab (Vanguard Scenario 1) Erundas and his Vanguard have landed and scatter to begin to scout the area. As luck would have it, Biggit Crunchem’s troops are currently roaming the lands in search for valuables the elves might have hidden. By chance 2 small detachments crash together just as the Goblins have finally found some valuables to loot! Biggit Crunchems guts WERE right! Indeed those tricky elves had hidden some of their belongings! And now they even had the audacity to try to defend their belongings! On the elven side Erundas is surprised to make contact with the Goblins ...