Okay, long time no post. Time to remedy that. I just finished version 1.0 of something I have been working on for quite a while. I am an RPG and tabletop fan. Formerly I played Warhammer 40k, then after Games Workshop killed Warhammer Fantasy, I got some fantasy armies and started playing that a bit. Then I discovered Kings of War by Mantic and since then I am in love with that company and their products. By now I earn all the KoW books, I have the Warpath&Firefight books, I have their Zombies game and I have quite sooome models including an only-partly-assembled Forces of Nature starter force. But my actual love is for their Kings of War franchise. I love the way they designed their game so that its OK that you can use your Games Workshop models for Kings of War! Last year they started a Kickstarter Campaign for their Kings of War Vanguard rules. Those are the skirmish rules. Much like what Kill Team is for 40k. When they made the kickstarter I just NEEDED to put dow...