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Showing posts from June, 2019

Presenting my most-enjoyed Vanguard troupe

Today i thought I would share my most enjoyed Vanguard troupe! Meet Biggit Crunchem and his men! I "invented" Crunchem when I made my Kings of War Campaign that I also posted about . Here you find the models I prepared ready for a 400 pts campaign play. You have to remember that the list I created was before Mantic released their new Goblin Vanguard Models . Find Biggit Crunchem - the Commander of the lot - in the middle to the right on his trusted Mawbeast "Fang". He is flanked by the two Wiz (I still call them Shamans) in his Vanguard: Whirrda is the older of the two shamans.  The other one does not have a name, he is just there for replacement purposes. In the back you will find the (River) Troll Bangga. He delivers most of the Ooomph! in this Vanguard and usually comes with a Heavy Weapon.  Those are the named models so far! I usually field the Biggit, the Shaman, 3-4 Spitters, ~4 Luggits and one Rabble. The Spitters are just too sweet to ignore, because in...

Vanguard Battle Dwarfs vs. Abyssals: The die is cast!

Last week I gave my demo game. When I gave the intro of the Rules to my opponent, I showed him the models I brought along: My trusted Goblins, the Abyssals and the Dwarfs. I told him my intend to play the Dwarfs, because its not the best list but I still wanted to give them a spin again. But to my surprise he wanted to play the Dwarfs, despite my warnings that they would probably lose! So I instead went with the Abyssals. I went for a different Abyssals build this time: I used the Succubi! I went for the Hellequin Blood-Masque as my Commander, a Despoiler - this time my mantic model because it is easier to transport - one Succubus Lurker, 2 Succubi, one Gargoyle, one Abyssal Guard and 2 Lower Abyssals. For shooting flexibility I took 2 Flamebearers. The idea behind the list was that the Succubi should stay close to the heavy-hitters to give the opponent the -1 penalty. This should make the nearly-unstoppable Hellequin Blood Masque as well as the Despoiler totally unstoppab...

With my first Kings of War Vanguard Teaser Game ahead....

Today I prepared for a sample-match of Kings of War Vanguard tomorrow that I have been asked to do. When Mantic first announced about their Pathfinder program I thought pretty hard if I should volunteer, because I am a big fan of Kings of War and Kings of War Vanguard. So far, I decided not to though. That is mainly because I enjoy playing in my own flat or in my mates flats/houses, and I am not such a big fan of playing with people I do not know so well. Tomorrow, I will try out what it means to be a Pathfinder anyway! I thought quite a bit about what Factions to bring. Finally I decided to bring my trusted Goblins as well as a modified Abyssals list with the lovely succubi. Additionally, I decided I wanted to give my rusted dwarf models a spin. After all, last time I played them was back with the Alpha Rules for Vanguard! I decided for the "old" rules found in the rulebook and took a list that felt "balanced" for me. See the family picture: That led me t...