Finally... after 2 Vanguard skirmishes, we were ready for the big thing. We both hadn't played the normal KoW for quite some time, so we first did a test match which ended in a draw. This weekend, we met to fight the real battle using the Vanilla 2nd Edition Rules! My list consisted of: 2x Horde of Sharpsticks (one with Blessing of the Gods 25 pts) 1x Horde of Spitters (with Heart Seeking Chant 30 pts) 1x Horde of Trolls (with Chant of Hate 25 pts) 1x Regiment Mawbeast pack 1x Regiment of Fleabag Rides (with Helm of Confidence 20 pts) [and they were definetely led by Biggit Crunchem !] 1x Sharpstick Thrower 1x King on Chariot with the item gaining: no minus modifier when moving costing 30 pts [ Warchief Dakkadak ] 1x Flaggit (with Diadem of Dragon Kind 30 pts) 1x Wiz with Inspiring Talisman and Bane Chant 1x Troll Bruiser with Darklords Onyx Ring ~20 Pts) [ I believe this is my Vanguard Troll, being an alone hero here! ] 2x Giants totalling 1870 pts. Base game w...