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Showing posts from April, 2020

Imperator: Rome Review

Today to something completely different. About many hours in I think I can finally give a verdict about the new Paradox title Imperator: Rome. Is the game cool? Well, sort of. Will I play it again? If I'd still be a gamer then the answer would be: maybe But I reeeeallly would have loved for this game to be great! As to my background. I played maany paradox games since HOI 1. I like the company despite their (former) partially horrible DLC policy. I dig their games. I think they enriched the gaming industry. But actually sort of I quit playing computer games a few years ago. Why did I make an exception for I.R.? And why make the exception now? Two main reasons. For one: I ALWAYS wanted to be able to play carthage. ALWAYS: When I was FOUR years old I got a Teddy Bear that I named Hannibal. Named him after the great carthagian general, nemesis of rome. Yup, I was four. Go figure. Granted, I was probably mostly impressed that he crossed the alps with elephants and ...

Using Schleich miniatures in Tabletop/Kings of War

Do you know the german company Schleich? They are a toy producer and I notice them getting bigger each year. They have some really good looking toys... horses, but also knigths and monsters. I already had some Schleich toys a few times in my hand and wondered if they were suitable to be used for my fantasy tabletop games. In my opinion, those prepainted toys look very good, but the problem is, they are a too big for normal 28mm fantasy use so I never saw the opportunity. However, this week I came across another Schleich miniature by accident when shopping for groceries. To be specific (now, having done a bit of research): It was their stone monster  of their new Eldrador line. Owning enough models to field a not-too shabby Forces of Nature army , I thought if it would make a good Greater Earth Elemental . I really love the Mantic model and had already thought about buying one after seeing one all painted up in full beauty. But because of the painting required, the price of ab...

A few toughts on Kings of War 3rd Edition

At the Tactica in Hamburg I finally got my hands on the new rulebook and supplement book for my favorite tabletop system, Kings of War. Who knows... maybe the second mass battle of the A corner of Mantica campaign we are currently running might already be with the vanilla rules for 3rd edition. After reading through both books I have to say, I really dig what Mantic did with the world. I love the layout, I love the stories and the quality of the book. I am not a big fan of the rule changes however, I think the system lost some of its simplistic elegance. If that is true or not, I will only be able to see after I get my first games under my belly.

And now to something (not) completely different

After attending the Tactica this year in Hambung and NOT being able to get my hands on Mig Alley by Warlord Games  (they apparently had run out already), I decided to get in when it was now on a bit of a sale in the only store of my FLGS. They are hit hard by Corona probably anyway, so why not order from them I thought. Plus I figured it might be fun to paint something different from Fantasy models... Here are the results I am pretty pleased. It was the first time ever I used decals and boy they do need some time to get used to. I ruined quite many of them, and was on my last yellow stripe for the sabres. I thought, painting will not be a big of a deal. Priming with Army Painter Metal, then some dark washes, then the canopy with 2 different blue and then the decals. Well, it took me surprisingly long, but now I would be able to run a game with them. If you get Mig Alley AND the Air Strike rulebook as PDF or in Print, you are already able to start to play! I hope I will ge...