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Vanguard Battle Dwarfs vs. Abyssals: The die is cast!

Last week I gave my demo game.
When I gave the intro of the Rules to my opponent, I showed him the models I brought along:

My trusted Goblins, the Abyssals and the Dwarfs.

I told him my intend to play the Dwarfs, because its not the best list but I still wanted to give them a spin again. But to my surprise he wanted to play the Dwarfs, despite my warnings that they would probably lose!
So I instead went with the Abyssals.
I went for a different Abyssals build this time: I used the Succubi!
I went for the Hellequin Blood-Masque as my Commander, a Despoiler - this time my mantic model because it is easier to transport - one Succubus Lurker, 2 Succubi, one Gargoyle, one Abyssal Guard and 2 Lower Abyssals. For shooting flexibility I took 2 Flamebearers.
The idea behind the list was that the Succubi should stay close to the heavy-hitters to give the opponent the -1 penalty. This should make the nearly-unstoppable Hellequin Blood Masque as well as the Despoiler totally unstoppable! With the two Lower Abyssals I have some meat to go for any victory points and the Gargoyle gives me flexibility. I also wanted to try the Succubus Lurker because I found that it is a great thing to be able to field a model with the "Scout" rule!

The Battlefield

We played on a standard map I would say. We chose the first scenario. In the middle, the treasure is the middle objective giving 3 Victory Points. In the woods in the upper right you find the second objective, just top-left of the white building you find the third objective.

After deployment

My opponent deployed mostly in the middle and on the top-left edge he placed his shooting-units. I massed over the whole table edge and deployed my Lurker to his flank as best as I could.

We both advanced, then he gave a group shot against my Hellequin Commander. He was really unlucky with the shots and only managed to wound once!

One of my succubi charges his shooters.

I get quite lucky and insta-kill the dwarf!

In the middle, my Despoiler and the other succubus advance

The dwarfs move forward, taking advantage (again) of their racial ability for Tactical Redeployment which allows them to move forward as a group. He is very good at using this ability most of his rounds over the duration of the game.
I move my Lurker into the back of the dwarfs. They ignore her.

I decide to charge the dwarfs with the lurker AND the succubus. The despoiler gets struck down by the EARTHQUAKE spell that the dwarfen runesmith took instead of the hammer spell. A weird konga-line forms:

My phone ran low on battery, so this is the final picture.
The despoiler which gets knocked down, the closest dwarf to him is the Ironguard (who then took out my succubus) The lurker also got killed... booh...

What followed was not surprising: A Abyssal victory!

That succubus and my lurker on the last picture were taken out. My despoiler continously was struck down by the Runesmith! I decided to consolidate on the middle objective instead of charging. The objective on my right flank was secured by me early on, so I then just made sure that I could also contest the one on my left flank... where I also was surprisingly strong because my succubus there was able to kill the second of the three IRONWATCH models too before being stopped by the Dwarf Sergeant.
Because it was already late we then decided to stop at the beginning of the 5th round, because I mostly had the game in my pocket.

Summary: A decent game! Not too close unfortunately, but still nice to play. My opponent DID like the Kings if War Vanguard system and also said he would be interested in playing a campaign! He is a fan of the dwarfs of which there are quite some shiny new models out. We played with the old rules, so he then took a look on the mantic page of the new models. We discussed them a bit and I finally packed and headed home. All in all, I would say it was a successful game-night!
