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With my first Kings of War Vanguard Teaser Game ahead....

Today I prepared for a sample-match of Kings of War Vanguard tomorrow that I have been asked to do.
When Mantic first announced about their Pathfinder program I thought pretty hard if I should volunteer, because I am a big fan of Kings of War and Kings of War Vanguard. So far, I decided not to though. That is mainly because I enjoy playing in my own flat or in my mates flats/houses, and I am not such a big fan of playing with people I do not know so well.
Tomorrow, I will try out what it means to be a Pathfinder anyway!
I thought quite a bit about what Factions to bring. Finally I decided to bring my trusted Goblins as well as a modified Abyssals list with the lovely succubi. Additionally, I decided I wanted to give my rusted dwarf models a spin. After all, last time I played them was back with the Alpha Rules for Vanguard!

I decided for the "old" rules found in the rulebook and took a list that felt "balanced" for me.
See the family picture:

That led me to the warband above.
To the left we have 3 Ironwatch for the "Combined Fire" bonus. In the rulebook it says they use crossbows, just beside that in the rulebook you find a dwarf with a musket... and I have some fantastically painted dwarfs with muskets, so those I took because I like their aestetics better than those of my dwarfs with crossbows...
In the back on the left you will find my Earth Elemental. The heavy hitter that can take a beating... I buffed him with BANDAGES as well. Just in front of him you will find one Ironclad and one Shieldbreaker in order to take advantage of the "Hammer and Anvil" special rule.
To the right, you first find my IRONGUARD, then my STONE PRIEST and then finally, my DWARF SERGEANT (who also has bandages to possibly give him a bit more staying power!).
200 points of dwarf action!
So the idea for tomorrow is to let my opponent chose if he wants to play with the Goblins or with the Abyssals. I decided we will do a "Supply Grab" mission, because that is a balanced scenario, no attacker, no defender, not much randomness so I hope the chance for frustration is very small.
I will choose the dwarfs and... to be honest... they are meant to lose of course.

I am exited! Let's see how it goes!
