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Showing posts from May, 2008

Porting SocketCC library for Linux to Windows

about two weeks ago i began porting the SocketCC library for Linux and Mac to Windows. SocketCC is a free C++ class-based library for using sockets and was written between 2001 and 2003 by Jason But. (You can download the original from the Monash University site here ). It is a nice small, free and clean library that suited our needs in the company for the project we are doing right now. What some of you hardcore C and C++ programmers wont like though is the fact that is uses Exceptions :) Alas, SocketCC was not working for windows, so i sat down to first) make it compileable, second) get the error codes also under windows, third) make it runable under windows. i did not have the time to make it perfect, because our target platform is linux so the windows implementation is sort of a bonus. this meant that i made some hacks and also omitted IPv6 support (some of our extensions we did to the library broke IPv6 functionality for linux as well anyway) additionally, i needed to use winsock...

observations to the soccer EM

if you go thru the streets of vienna these days you can notice one thing: not even to the 50. anniversary of the austrian republic you could see so many flags of austria placed by private people. not even on that (one would say very important) anniversary for this republic one could see that many flags of austria hung out on the streets compared to flags of the soccer EM hung out these days. what does something like this hint you about this country? ^^ never mind, i am counting the days till the whole fuzz is over

Ubuntu Hardy Heron

Today i would like to tell you about my experiences with the new Ubuntu 8.04 release (called hardy heron). ... unfortunately i can't, because i still have not installed it  :) well, well. that was a phun post. i'll now go enjoy the sunday in some café with nice company.

what am i (worth to myself)

[currently listening helmet to ease the mind a bit] ok, i wasnt looking for a once-to-be-married relationship. i wasnt looking for i-need-my-soulmate kind of love. its not as if i was directly looking for love in a classic way, i would be fine with many kinds of relationships. still, i wonder what her ambitions in this are. maybe i was looking for something more than just a fuck-buddy to put it plain simple, but i d be happy with that as well. i guess i can be also quite simple to handle: click on, click off. or in other words: i think i am very uncomplicated. but push the right buttons and tell me which ones you wanna push. somehow i am pissed if we first want to meet on saturday, then that gets postponed till monday for culture cinema, then that gets postponed, i propose thuesday for cinema, she says wednesday, i say ok, adapt my week-plans for that accordingly and then on wednesday she tells me we are going out with friends. then, on going out, she vanishes with them at 2:00am (ins...

Fencing -my new sport

today i went to fencing course the second time. some time ago my sister and i decided we need to do something for our health. yeah, many of us do so at some point or another. for me, i just KNEW i should do something, but did not bother about it anymore. i do not really know any sport that has my attention drawn away from the fact that i exhaust myself while doing it.  one of two sports i know that succeed in getting me to forget the fact that i am exhausted is badminton. there are some phases when i occasionally play once every two weeks. but fencing was always on my mind to try out. and because my sister now also wanted to DO something and suggested fencing, i was immediately like "yeah, lets do it". so today was the second lesson. i have to say... i think its cool. it has something manly to it to fence  :). yeah, and of course thats the fact why i like it. its funny, it looks more easy than it is.... but of course, my body is a very uncoordinated bunch of flesh, because i...

Fun slippy poems Part 1

so to get something written down, some poems. i encouraged some of my friends to write me poems having "porno" in them via sms.  here are some of my "encourage" sms. the replies of them will follow. But... most on german :) Du bist eingeladen diesen holprigen Reim, zu verbessern in seinem sein. einzige bedingung: das letzte wort im reim muss porno sein -- if i have time i like to hear korn, but even more i enjoy to watch porn -- natalia sagte: i like to watch porn ja das glaub ich ihr schon die erzählt doch kan schmorrn --- von gottes gnade nah aneinander gebaut zwischen den 2 bergen widerhallt sich der laut neben dem hall vom horn-oh! auch jemandem schrein: PORNO! --- roman sich schließlich mit selbstzweifeln plagte, als endlich andrea die wahrheit ihm sagte: "zwar biste ganz lieb und auch kein blödel, doch will ich wen andern mit nem größeren dödel" sagte der felix: "denk dir da nix! ohne sie hast du den festeren wichs" --- deinem reim unterzi...

tell me people, am i going insane?

one works 3+ years as a programmer. programming. every day. at least workday. at weekends off, sleeping, going out. doing the house stuff that needs to be done. every week the same. not much leisure time left, as one is working now. which topics to talk about are still remaining? when one meets other people? where can you link into a topic, if it isnt a computers topic? and even there specialiced ones. is this the same for every job? is one unavoidibly becoming a lame freak?

Linux users –the so much standard loving people

…or are they? Aren’t all linux nerds = Microsoft haters always complaining about MS world not using standards? I state that all those linux-guys are preaching water but drinking wine. Why? Tthere are multiple examples: I’ll post one that annoyed me just some moments ago right now, multiple others may follow later: It is an interesting fact that when you search things on the internet and you find resources to it which were written by some linux guys (or on linux but would also be usable in windows) they may post their code (in this case code, but I might also have found docs that way) for downloading. How can you obtain the stuff? You find it in an archive. As a .tar, or as a .tgz. or whatever other wicked linux-packing formats there are. Why use an open standard archive like .zip anyways? Just because EVERYBODY can open it? Noooooo my friend. Ok, i am not familiar, so: .tar/tgz may very well be open "standards", but whats a standard worth if 90% of all people are not abl...

the perfect weekend

people who know me know that i rarely speak of a perfect day. in fact i think i never called any day a perfect day till now. but... i have to say the weekend (26th,27th) was very close to perfection if not perfect. a cool race which i told you already, a cool party afterwards with nice friends, then sleeping long then going out again. having very nice conversations and a very nice girl.... party for me lasted until next morning when i accompanied her to her work. nice weather nice ... conditions ... some more sweet talking. man, i had to take care not to get too much into it. it was also fun to watch all those idiots doing the vienna marathon on that sunday. all guys running by with already empty bodies, having a dire stare of pain on their faces... something to laugh about (but also wonder why people do that). what a cool weekend that then itself started an also very nice week. though i have to say, work suffered a bit. but i dont care. anyway too occupied to write much. too much goin...