about two weeks ago i began porting the SocketCC library for Linux and Mac to Windows. SocketCC is a free C++ class-based library for using sockets and was written between 2001 and 2003 by Jason But. (You can download the original from the Monash University site here ). It is a nice small, free and clean library that suited our needs in the company for the project we are doing right now. What some of you hardcore C and C++ programmers wont like though is the fact that is uses Exceptions :) Alas, SocketCC was not working for windows, so i sat down to first) make it compileable, second) get the error codes also under windows, third) make it runable under windows. i did not have the time to make it perfect, because our target platform is linux so the windows implementation is sort of a bonus. this meant that i made some hacks and also omitted IPv6 support (some of our extensions we did to the library broke IPv6 functionality for linux as well anyway) additionally, i needed to use winsock...