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the perfect weekend

people who know me know that i rarely speak of a perfect day.
in fact i think i never called any day a perfect day till now.

but... i have to say the weekend (26th,27th) was very close to perfection if not perfect.

a cool race which i told you already, a cool party afterwards with nice friends, then sleeping long then going out again. having very nice conversations and a very nice girl.... party for me lasted until next morning when i accompanied her to her work. nice weather nice ... conditions ... some more sweet talking. man, i had to take care not to get too much into it.
it was also fun to watch all those idiots doing the vienna marathon on that sunday. all guys running by with already empty bodies, having a dire stare of pain on their faces... something to laugh about (but also wonder why people do that).

what a cool weekend that then itself started an also very nice week. though i have to say, work suffered a bit. but i dont care.

anyway too occupied to write much. too much going out.

when i finally decide what shape this blog will become in the future (private sort-of-public diary, or still more about work, or still being the hybrid in between) i may write in more detail.

so long: bytes
