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looking forward to monodevelop release with debugger

cant tell you how anxious i am about the upcoming release of monodevelop which will feature a ... debugger!
what is granted and comes so naturally for other programming languages, or programmers used to windows, seems not to be too common if you want to develop on linux:

yes THE one (and only) c# IDE on linux does not have a debugger at the moment.
It seems it got broken with some changes in Mono. How someone can really put out a new release of a language (lets now consider mono an own language) and knowingly loose his frontend-debugger by that but accepting that.... i dont know.

well the mono community did. 

this also kept me from progressing with my interest in c# for linux. a language where i do not have a debugger is.... ridiculous. 

but fear not! the new debugger is coming.... like you can read here. i cant wait for it to get released! 
i finally want to develop some nice cross-GUI apps for linux! and i certainly wont do that with C++. everybody volintarily choosing c++ for that task is insane or has a very narrow understanding of... well everything :)

