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Next psychonautics.... salvia again

yesterday i used up the rest of my salvia divonorum.

at first i took about 1g of my 5x extract of salvia and mixed them with tobacco. after smoking it i felt quite dizzy, but hard to tell how much of that was because of the tobacco smoked without filter.

as no hallucinations took place i then rolled another one containing nearly no tobacco but dried pure salvia and another 1g of the 5x extract. 

results? well, i felt dizzy, and inducing trance was easy.
on the other hand, still no hallucinations. this time though i did not feel as i was observed like i did last time.... so maybe thats a plus?  :)
i then decided to make some music. it didnt really feel anything different than from normal.

i decided i will buy some more. mainly to have something at home if i decide to do some shamanistic journey again at some point in the future. for this, this stuff seems to be potent. 

for the rest, i dont know..... it just doesnt seem to work properly for me

