Hey there, I thought I will share the Units I created so far for Showdown. Here are the Unit Stats of some of the Units I created so far with the Troop Builder I mentioned in my last post. There are some shortcomings that I would like to point out with what you can find here. Automatically included is a small rant :) A note what was used for the Romans: The romans shown here are 3 different XP levels for Principii. What is a bit sad about Weird Wars: Rome is that the Triarii and the Principii are the same stats wise... which is a bit sad... I haven't found a neat way of distinguishing them... So you can also use the stats for the Triarii actually. Where do the stats come from? Well they were taken from the BEASTS & SOLDIERS section of Weird Wars: Rome while the Gear was taken from one of the first chapters! A note for the Point Cost of the Romans (what was improvised): The Troop Builder does not know Pilums so they are calculated as a "Short Spear" whi...