I own way too many tabletop miniatures and too many armies. It goes to the point that I once even bought something because I thought I need it, but I actually then found out I already owned the models albeit in an unassembled state.
So I finally decided to count up the first of my armies and decided I will start with the dwarves.
Well what to say... depending on how you count it, they totalled on 220 dwarfs plus 3 earth elementals that are "usually" used with my Forces of Nature. For artillery there are 2 ballistas +2 organ guns +3 cannons. I could swear I have a 4th cannon... maybe it is with my Kingdoms of Men. Of those 230 dwarfs, around 77 of them are unpainted or primed. Not to forget my two Gyrocopters unassembled... A few -around 6- of the dwarfs are self-made recasts (like one of the Gyrocopters) in miliput, the rest are 98% old GW models. I actually own a few more Lord of the Rings dwarfs, but those are "separate". I do not want to add them here as I feel their non-heroic scale does not align well with the rest of the models.
I thought I might as well post some pictures here.
They consist of the following groups:
Great-Axe models (top left first picture):
22 models in total:
21 unpainted/primed models and 1 painted one. They include standard bearer, musican and champion.
Hammerer models
14 models in total.
Group A (bottom left first picture):
7 models + 1 standard bearer
Beautifully painted gold-purple hammerers
Hammerer models Group B (middle, second picture)
6 models. In a nice red painting scheme including a champion
Muscet models
Group A (bottom middle first picture)
14 models
In the same color scheme as the Group A hammerers, also painted with very much attention to detail.
Muscet models Group B (bottom middle, third picture)
11 models
painted in an orange scheme including champion and standard bearer
Muscet models Group C (top left, 4th picture)
there are another 8 primed/unpainted muscet models present
Crossbow models (bottom, 5th picture)
Artillery models
For the artillery I counted 8 unpainted and 10 painted dwarfs to man the guns!
Berserker models
Around 18 models, but some of them are miliput recasts I did with blue stuff. So painting and details are... varied.
Line Infantry models
Line infantry models are "standard" dwarf models using an axe and a shield.
Total model count here is 46.
Line Infantry Group A - purple/gold (middle left, 1st picture)
Line Infantry Group B - "fire" (5th picture on the right)
Line Infantry Group C + Reserves
Other units
I have
- 2 unassembled Gyrocopters,
- one unassembled King on a Throne carried by his 4 bodyguards (see fourth picture) - partly painted - which I put together with patafix when needed,
- 13 dwarves holding pickaxes inclusing champion, musician and standard bearer (4th picture)
- 3 Earth elementals which I recast with bluestuff and miliput from an original descent model I think (you can see one on the 6th picture)
- additional 4 unpainted/primed musicians
- additional 3 unpainted/primed standard bearers
- 4 dwarven "wizards" or runesmiths
- 8 characters and 8 heroes.... lets call them like that. Some painted quite beautifully some unpainted/primed. The painted one you can see on picture 7, the unpainted ones on the 4th picture. I used them pretty often when I still played RPGs regularily. And when I do play Kings of War Vanguard I usually also use many of those painted models and they also come in handy when playing Frostgrave!