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Linux users –the so much standard loving people

…or are they?

Aren’t all linux nerds = Microsoft haters always complaining about MS world not using standards?

I state that all those linux-guys are preaching water but drinking wine.

Why? Tthere are multiple examples: I’ll post one that annoyed me just some moments ago right now, multiple others may follow later:

It is an interesting fact that when you search things on the internet and you find resources to it which were written by some linux guys (or on linux but would also be usable in windows) they may post their code (in this case code, but I might also have found docs that way) for downloading.
How can you obtain the stuff? You find it in an archive. As a .tar, or as a .tgz. or whatever other wicked linux-packing formats there are.
Why use an open standard archive like .zip anyways? Just because EVERYBODY can open it?
Noooooo my friend.

Ok, i am not familiar, so: .tar/tgz may very well be open "standards", but whats a standard worth if 90% of all people are not able to use it on their PCs when there is another open standard like zip to use instead?

Well never mind, happy coding
