Think Geek gave me some inspiration yesterday when i ordered some stuff.
Every country has its list of "taboos" and Japan is no different
There is a shirt showing some things you should avoid doing in Japan.
In Japan you should avoid
Every country has its list of "taboos" and Japan is no different
There is a shirt showing some things you should avoid doing in Japan.
In Japan you should avoid
- sleeping with your head pointing to the north
- putting chopsticks straight up in rice (both related to Japanese funerals)
- entering a house with dirty shoes on
those are the 3 absolute No-No's in Japan. I think it is a very usable list and decided to extend it for some other countries.
But what if you travel somewhere differently? Here now a helpful list with the 3 most important things you should avoid in other countries:
In USA you should avoid
- Smoking in public
- drinking in public
- being a terrorist
In England you should avoid
- saying you want to pay in euro
- going out after 23:00
- eating native food
In France there are certain taboos that you shouldnt go across, else they will regard you as a very wicked person and may not speak with you ever again. So avoid
- not going on strike if any other working group wants you to
- listening to non-french songs
- speaking english. (at least i am pretty sure this has to be some sort of taboo because no french seems to be able to do so)
In Israel there are also certain things you should take care of. Do not
- drive in buses, else you might get blown up
- drive in cars because if there are other people in it, namely palestinians, you will likely get shot at with israely rockets
- LIVE in either israeli or palestinian territory. In the first case you might get rocketed upon, in the second case your living room will get bulldozed away. This of course makes it hard to live in israel.... so just dont.
There is another country which has very strict rules that you should obey, if you do not want to get shot. If you are traveling to Irak, please make sure to avoid
- being sunnite, else you might get shot
- being Shiite or you might get shot
- being Kurd or you may get shot