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what disturbs me about the PSP-homebrew community....

is the lack of insight that one can gain.

now i want to code some PSP games i also need further gimmicks installed on my PSP that will enable me to remote-debug my PSP programs and run my cross compiled programs on the PSP while they are still lying on my harddisk. for this there is a nice program called psplink. i think its the programs "fault" that nobody is using the oslib framework for the PSP i may have mentioned earlier for compiling on the pc, which is is supposed to support. because everybody seems to debug and test out the games with this psplink on their psp right away.

fine so i thought, well then lets install this wonderful thing. unfortunately, the program does not start on my M33-90. search me why, but from some tutorials for some different homebrew i now know i need the 1.50-add on for the m33-90. i just installed that, but what i really would like to know is: what is that thing doing?  :)  you dont really get some info about that

unfortunately, gettings things to work with homebrew always prooves difficult. real documentation is sacre, there are just occasional how-tos. what exactly is needed and stuff. 
anyways, i am still motivated. still, i have to say, there are many dedicated guys out there doing this stuff and they also seem helpful and many of them seem to know what they are doing.

time for bed
